Get Same Day Crowns from Our Onsite CEREC Machine

Dr. Bahar Nia may recommend that you receive a dental crown for a variety of reasons. The most common ones include adding stability to a cracked tooth, to use as an attachment for a dental bridge, to protect a tooth that has received a root canal from further infection, to retain a tooth with significant decay, or to treat a tooth that has sustained trauma. We are excited to let you know that you can now receive same day crowns rather than wait two or more weeks for your permanent dental restoration.
Getting a dental crown in the past meant that you had to come to the dentist’s office for at least two appointments. The first appointment involved taking an impression of your teeth and matching the color of the new dental restoration to the rest of your teeth. You received a temporary crown and then returned to the office in approximately two weeks for a final fitting of your permanent crown.
While the traditional method of receiving a dental crown is still an option, Dr. Bahar Nia will let you know if you are a good candidate for same day crowns as well. You could receive same day crowns in a single appointment thanks to our investment in technology called CEREC.
How CEREC Makes It Possible to Receive Same Day Crowns
CEREC, which is the typical term used to describe a process called Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, is a cutting-edge technology that allows Dr. Bahar Nia to complete all of the following steps in just one appointment:
- Take a three-dimensional detailed photo of the tooth that requires restorative treatment with a dental crown.
- Refine the image if necessary by using special software and then transmitting it directly to an on-site milling machine.
- The milling machine pulls in a solid block of ceramic material and creates the dental crown from the image submitted by Dr. Bahar Nia.
- She then removes the new dental crown from the milling machine and trims away any excess material.
Your dentist completes several more tasks before she installs your new crown. First, she visually inspects it to make sure that it is a close match to the color and shape of your other teeth. She then cleans and polishes your tooth before placing the adhesive material that will hold the same day crown in place.
Benefits of Same Day Crowns from Buckhead Cosmetic & Family Dentistry
Dental crowns make an excellent restorative dentistry option because they blend in with your other teeth so well and restore a tooth with significant problems. You don’t have to worry about unsightly lines or black marks on your gum line that make it obvious you have had restorative dental work completed. With same day crowns, you will be smiling confidently much sooner.
Dr. Bahar Nia always attempts the most conservative dental treatment first before resorting to extracting a tooth and then installing dental implants or dentures. If she has recommended a dental crown or you feel concerned that you might need one, please contact our dental practice today at 404-400-0400 to schedule a consultation to learn more.