Benefits of Dental Implants: How Teeth in a Day Can Change Your Life 

Dental Atlanta

When it comes to your well-being and overall health, there is nothing better than having a gorgeous smile. Feeling great about your appearance causes you to project confidence to the world around you. But sometimes, you can’t control what happens to your teeth. This is where the benefits of dental implants come in. Now with teeth in a day and dental implants at Buckhead Cosmetic & Family Dentistry, you can change your life and receive that beautiful, confident smile you’ve always wanted.

Issues such as trauma and tooth degeneration can negatively affect your morale and your comfort. When you experience tooth loss, the remaining teeth tend to shift in your mouth to inhabit the empty space. This can generate extreme pain and headaches, throw off your bite and cause your jaw to atrophy.

If you are experiencing this firsthand, there is a solution.

With teeth in a day dental implants, Buckhead Cosmetic and Family Dentistry provides the perfect solution for anyone suffering from gum disease, tooth degeneration and loss. Through Dr. Bahar Nia’s close attention to detail and world-class care, you can have a lovely smile that will make you feel like a whole new person. 

In order to understand the benefits of dental implants and what teeth in a day can provide, it is important to learn more about dental implants at Dr. Nia’s award-winning practice.

What are Dental Implants?

While the dental care provided by Buckhead Cosmetic and Family Dentistry aims to restore the health of your natural teeth, in some cases this may not be possible, making dental implants a good solution. Made to mimic the root of a natural tooth, dental implants are titanium screws that are applied to areas in the mouth suffering from tooth loss and degeneration. After the implant is placed, a natural tooth-like crown is screwed on the top to ensure you can smile with ease after the procedure.

What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

There are many benefits to receiving dental implants at Buckhead Cosmetic and Family Dentistry. Due to their durability, dental implants do not need to be replaced and are designed to look and feel like real teeth. Dental implants maintain the integrity of your bite by stimulating the root of your jawbone, helping it regain its function. They also fill in the spaces of your missing teeth where your skin is likely to sag due to the gap, revitalizing your facial structure and giving you a more youthful, beautiful look.

What are Teeth in a Day?

Also known as implant-supported hybrid bridges, teeth in a day are a type of dental implant made to replace the entire upper or lower arch of the teeth. This is achieved by applying four to six implants per arch, providing strong anchors for their placement. Teeth in a day implants flawlessly fuse teeth to the jawbone, providing a permanent solution to terminal tooth loss.

What are the Benefits of Teeth in a Day?

One of the greatest benefits to teeth in a day is that they do not decay like regular teeth. Made of titanium, they are built to be extremely durable and provide a fixed solution to issues of degeneration and disease. Teeth in a day are also designed for immediate functionality and many patients can leave on the same day they arrived with a healthy, gorgeous new smile. Easy to manage, teeth in a day can be maintained using the same toothbrush and Waterpik as with natural teeth.

Teeth in a Day are a Better Alternative to Dentures

Teeth in a day are a far better option than dentures. There are many foods that are difficult to eat and digest with dentures, including delicious favorites like crisp apples and corn on the cob. They also tend to make you look as though you have had work done, leaving you to feel self-conscious about your appearance. With teeth in a day, you can rest assured in their strength and appearance, allowing you to eat your favorite meals and enjoy a spirited smile.

How Teeth in a Day Can Transform Your Life

Getting teeth in a day dental implants at Buckhead Cosmetic and Family Dentistry is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. Patients who have received teeth in a day go on a journey from hiding their smiling to gleaming in joy at their remarkable appearance in the mirror.

Dr. Nia’s precise innovative use of technology will positively transform your self-esteem and begin the path to a better more confident you.

Buckhead Cosmetic and Family Dentistry is an award-winning dental care facility that services people in in Atlanta, including well-known celebrities, as well as patients from out of town. With Dr. Bahar Nia’s holistic vision and patient-first approach, you are guaranteed to leave with your life forever changed as a happier more radiant you.

To determine if teeth in a day dental implants at Buckhead Cosmetic and Family Dentistry are the right option for you, contact Dr. Nia today to schedule a consultation.  


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